Thursday, September 15, 2011

BYU Bikes

BYU Bikes. Despite the fact that, come fall, every street around campus is lined with cars and the sidewalks are so packed with people you can’t move, many still ride their bikes. The bike racks are just as saturated with two-wheeled transports as the streets are full of autos and the sidewalks full of people. Each assemblage of tubing, cable, and chain belongs to an individual that decided to arrive by their own pedal power rather than simply pressing a car’s pedal. The reasoning behind each individual’s decision to ride to school could vary widely from saving money to saving their life to saving the environment. Whatever the reasoning, many BYU students ride bikes. For those of you at BYU (or just close to BYU) who choose to ride bikes to school, on mountains, on tracks, or on roads, this is the place for you. If you want to ride alone, that’s fine. But if you want to ride in a group and associate with other bike lovers who also go to BYU, then BYU Bikes will serve as a place to touch base, generate dialogue, and share the love. Please leave a comment, tell your friends, and most importantly, ride your bike.

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